Shop Small with AMEX


Today I had the pleasure of attending an intimate lunch celebrating small Australian businesses by kicking off Shop Small 2017 with American Express in Waterloo. We were blessed with bright, clear skies and perfect weather with a glass of refreshing lemon flavoured water upon our arrival. 

I made my way through rows of freshly lined diverse and unique produce and was intrigued to learn that our beautifully prepared lunch was entirely produced by small businesses in in the Waterloo area. I learned later during the lunch the importance of giving smaller shops care and love. By supporting local businesses we help our communities flourish and this month AMEX is giving back $10 for every $20 spent on shopping at small, local select businesses (if you pay with an AMEX). AMEX reminded the public to support small businesses as we learned that on average, 42 cents of each dollar spent at a small business is reinvested back into that local community. Also, did you know that 1 in 4 employees in Australia are employed by a small business!

We all have a role to play in order to help small businesses thrive. So start shopping local. Because local is better for all of us. 





Ravioli, handmade by Fourth Village with wood roasted pumpkin, ricotta, amaretti, burnt butter & sage sauce served with Vinelea Chardonnay 2016 supplied by Vine Wine


12 hour braised lamb shoulder from Whole Beast Butchery with artichoke puree, roasted vine cherry tomatoes, dehydrated olives, watercress and lamb jus. 



Market cheese board from Fourth Village.

All menu items are sourced from small businesses in Waterloo. 

For more information on Shop Small with AMEX click here.

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