Disneyland Diary

I've always loved Disneyland since I was a little girl. Not much has changed now that i'm an adult except for the fact that I get to wear Mickey Mouse ears ;)! I was ecstatic to bring KP here as it was his first time at Disneyland. I Could feel his excitement build up as he walked through the gates with the biggest smile on his face. We were surrounded by vibrant colours, Disney themed food, Disney characters and musical performances during our time here. Everytime I glanced over at KP I noticed that he had the biggest smile on his face. 

I wore a beautiful white summer dress from Magali Pascal. I've been pretty obsessed with their new Parisian range with beautiful white lace detailsy. The garment was so comfortable and really helped me to stay cool in the heat of LA.

This won't be my last time visiting Disneyland with KP! It truly is the happiest place on earth and a world I wouldn't mind living in. Now all I have to do is find a way to take all these oversized balloons home with me... ;)

Mickey Mouse Rice Krispy treats! ($9)

KP winning a prize for me! 

Sad to be leaving </3 

Sad to be leaving </3 

Photos: Killian Pham & Li-Chi Pan