Paris for a Hot Minute

This time last year I was in Paris sipping on a warm cup of coffee from the corner cafe. You held my hand gently as I looked you in the eye and I tried to immortalise that exact moment. Hearing the voices of the locals in the foreground I gazed at you from across our quaint little table as you pulled out your camera and took a quick snap of me. It was as if you wanted to remember that exact moment. Two lovers in the middle of Paris sharing a fresh croissant and two cups of coffee.

Time has a funny way of altering things. This applies not only to people but to situations… I’ve been doing a lot of growing up this year. I was always afraid to leave my comfort zone when it came to travel. This year I pushed myself to do things I wouldn’t normally do. Whether that be travel to new countries or meet new individuals and share their stories - I wanted to fall in love with all the little moments.

We’re often so busy that we forget to take a minute to appreciate the present moment. I’ve learnt that good things do really take time. I had never understood the concept of learning to love myself as I have a habit of always putting people I care about first. It feels so good to be embracing my life and living it to the fullest this year. I’m determined to live a life i’m proud of and one in which I can look back at - and have little regrets.

Thank you for bringing me up to this hidden rooftop to share this breathtaking view of Paris - i’ve always dreamt of seeing the eiffel tower from a unique perspective… This has been a true highlight for me… x

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